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Multimodal Data Visualization: "On "Off the Air"

Visualize patterns from select episodes, highlighting the show's core themes and emotions

What is On "Off the Air" ?

On "Off the Air" is our tribute to Dave Hughes and the hundreds of artists involved in creating the various compositions incorporated in each episode of Off the Air. We have created four sets of data visualizations using audio and video from the show to allow for various ways to find patterns, themes, and correlations latent within and between episodes of the series.

For viewers of the show, we hope this project will provide you unique modalities to explore the themes and ideas present in Off the Air helping you connect the ideas of various episodes together in new ways. For those new to this show, we hope this project will allow you to explore the meaning of these topics --- and how they relate to each other -- more generally, while also motivating you to try out the show.

To make data processing and comparison as comprehensive as possible, this project focuses on the following 9 episodes: Bliss, Conflict, Coping, Death, Dreams, Family, Love, Nightmares, and Paradise. We chose these episodes since, to us, these topics best reflect the central emotions and experiences to humans and their interactions with each other.

Project Contents

Explore the Rainbow
Visualize the Music
  • Connect the Frames - Explore how similar frames are between episodes and get time-stamped episode recommendations based on a desired set of colors
Connect the Frames
Connect the Episodes

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